TOKYO - September 18h, RIZIN had weigh-ins for this Sunday’s RIZIN.30 card.
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Joe Ferraro(@JoeAFerraro)
Fight #1 - Panchan Rina vs Momoka
Panchan Rina (46.45kg)
“ I’m very honored to be fighting the firstwomen’s kickboxing fight in RIZIN. I’m eagerto show what we can do and I will go for afinish.”
“ I know that the fans want to see an excitingfight with big shots and exciting finishes so Iplan to deliver all of that with additional flair.”
Momoka (45.85kg)
“I can’t describe how excited I am to befighting on such a big stage. I have beenreceiving so much support since theannouncement and I am more motivated thanever.
“She’s not too aggressive and likes to keepdistance and I like to close distance and fightat a close range so this fight will be aboutfighting for distance.”
“I am not the most technical fighter so I haveto cover the lack of technique with heart. Thatis what I know I have stronger than myopponent”
“All the hype is around my opponent but I amhere to spoil the party. I thank her forgathering all the attention, I’ll take it fromhere.”
Fight #2 - Shoji vs Chihiro Suzuki
Shoji (65.85kg)
“ My opponent is young, fearless and superaggressive so I’m very excited to face him.”
“ I have a new Katana for my entrance,definitely look out for my entrance”
“ I’m not holding back, I’m going to go all inand put on a show for everybody.”
Chihiro Suzuki (65.95kg)
“ I always think and visualize how I’m going toget the win before I sleep, so I have about amillion ways I can beat my opponent.”
“ I wouldn’t be fighting in MMA if I wasscared of going to the ground. Those who arescared should stick with kickboxing. I’m downto grapple and I’m confident.”
“ My motto is to put on fights that fans wantto see. I have no intention of laying on myopponent and doing nothing. If my opponentlays on me, I will do everything it takes tostand back up.”
“My ideal fight on Sunday would be Don Fryevs Takayama.”
Fight #3 - Shinobu Ota vs Yuta Kubo
Shinobu Ota (66.00kg)
“ My opponent is a great striker but that’s allhe has. I’m not going to hide my plan. I’mgoing to take him down and finish him. Thisfight won’t last long.”
“ He claims he can knock me out with anystrike but it won’t mean anything if he can’tland it. Let’s see him throw devastating blowsoff of his back.”
“This is a fight that I must win, so I will dowhat I’ve trained to do and win this fight asexpected.
“I think the reason why Gable Stevensonsigned with the WWE is because he won thegold medal.”
Yuta Kubo (65.85kg)
“Super excited to make my RIZIN and MMAdebut.”
“I know my opponent is an Olympic wrestlermedalist but I’m a K-1 Champion as well. Thisfight will be wrestling vs K-1. He’s not used topunching people but I’ve been punching peoplein the face for years so that’s a greatadvantage.”
“I've worked extremely hard for this fight so aloss would be such a waste. I need to win thisto make all this worthwhile. Like, It’s beenover 10 years since I pushed myself this hard.”
Fight #4 - Ulka Sasaki vs Yoshinori Horie
Ulka Sasaki (65.80kg)
“My opponent hits hard and can finish thefight if he lands, he’s strong and can grapple.It’s going to be a tough fight”
“ This is my first fight at Featherweight but Ifeel strong, fresh and healthy on fight week.It’s something I have never felt when I wasfighting at lower weight classes.”
“I’m excited to see how I can perform atFeatherweight, I feel like I have a great chance,but it’s a professional sport, so I won’t knowuntil I actually tie up with him.”
“He’s a striker but I actually think he’s goingto try to grapple with me.”
Yoshinori Horie (65.95kg)
“The fight will go one way. Me landing mypunches and winning by a knockout.”
“There will be a clear difference in physicalstrength and striking power. He will not be ableto take me down and even if he does, I willstand right up. It will be a one sidedbeatdown.”
Fight #5 - Koji Takeda vs Yusuke Yachi
Koji Takeda (70.85kg)
“Yachi is a totally different fighter and he is athreat, but he’s only been with his new campfor less than a year. I’ve been with coachMiyata my entire MMA career. The differencewill show. ”
“My style is gritty and that’s what I do best.I’m going to stick with it and beat myopponent with exhaustion.”
“Working with a former K-1 Champion hasimproved my striking a lot. I can’t become abetter striker overnight, but it definitely helpsme get used to crisp striking and distance.”
Yusuke Yachi (71.00kg)
“My opponent is durable and is tough. Hecontinues to come in forward and it is hard toget him to back off. I have a plan against him,so look forward to it.”
“ I think oblique kicks are very effective. It’shard to finish the fight with it but you can useit to make your opponent think, so it’s veryeffective in setting your pace and it’s not riskyat all. I’d hate to be on the receiving end ofit.”
“This will be my second time heading into afight with an actual plan lol Ever since I’vechanged gyms, it has really been a careerchanging decision”
“My opponent says this will be a grueling fight,but fighting is tiring to begin with. If he wantsto spend a lot of energy that's fine but that’snot for me.”
Fight #6 - Ayaka Hamasaki vs Emi Fujino
Ayaka Hamasaki (48.80kg)
“I’m excited to be facing an opponent whoI’ve faced 9 years ago. Her physical strengthis exceptional for a woman.”
“ I will be the one setting the pace in thefight, and I will keep the fight active and notstall the fight. ”
Emi Fujino (48.95kg)
“ Hamasaki is the best opponent I could haveasked for during these times. We both won’tback down so I’m expecting an all out war.”
“ This is my first time dropping to Atomweightbut the process has been great. I’m starting tothink that Atomweight is my best weight classso I’m excited for fight day.”
“ I’m not the type to prepare for certainfighters and I can only do what I know how todo. No matter what her plan is, I'm going inthere to enforce my plan.”
Fight #7 - Yuki Motoya vs Kenta Takizawa
Yuki Motoya (60.90kg)
“ I honestly don’t have any opinion on myopponent. The fight will end quickly.”
“ I want to show the difference in the abilitieswe have. This will be a one sided fight.”
Kenta Takizawa (60.95kg)
“ My goal is to dominate him in every aspectso I plan to stick to the plan.”
“ I want to show a fight that defines KentaTakizawa. Maybe I’ll run around for 15 minuteslike last time. That might be fun in a way.”
“I need to be careful of his submissionattempts during scrambles and transitions”
“A Bellator vs RIZIN bantamweight team battlewould be intriguing”
Fight #8 - Hiromasa Ougikubo vs Takafumi Otsuka
Hiromasa Ougikubo (60.85kg)
“Our strong points are very similar so I thinkwe will be complimenting each other’sstrengths. But I have more finishing moves andbetter striking than him.”
“ I’m prepared for a grueling fight and I canedge it out if the fight heads in that direction.”
“ I am very intrigued by the RIZIN x Bellatorcollaboration and I would love an opportunityto fight abroad.”
“Joseph Benavidez is a great human being andI’ve always hoped for him to win the UFC title,but he will be successful with whatever hedoes. I hope to see him again once I visit theUS. ”
Takafumi Otsuka (60.95kg)
“ I know that this is going to be a tough fight.We’re going to bring it all, and it will be a tiringfight and the one with a stronger heart willwin.”
“Ougikubo has the ability to edge out toughand grueling fights. I need to prepare for that.”
Fight #9 - Naoki Inoue vs Kintaro
Naoki Inoue (60.85kg)
“ My opponent is an aggressive striker butI’m confident that I can take him out wherehe’s most comfortable.”
“ I think Horiguchi going to Bellator is a goodthing. It gives hope to all Japanese fightersthat they can challenge themselves outside ofJapan. Bellator would be a fun place to go withsuch a stacked division”
“ Ougikubo has been asking to fight me so Iwould like to face him after this fight.”
Kintaro (60.95kg)
“My opponent is taller and has a slight reachadvantage but that's it, I’m not worried. I’veprepared myself for an absolute war.”
“He may be technical and all but I’veprepared some tricks up my sleeve so staytuned for a surprise.”
“I have done everything I need to win thisfight so I am headed in with a clear mind andwith confidence. ”
Fight 10# - Kai Asakura vs Alan “Hiro”Yamaniha
Kai Asakura (60.90kg)
“ I’m not too worried about his Jiu Jitsu, Ithink I’m better at everything than him.”
“ I like watching movies and surroundingmyself in nature during my off time.”
“I wasn’t too surprised with Horiguchi headingto Bellator. My target is taking on the world aswell so if I keep winning I will eventually meethim again.”
“There are some fights that you only get tosee in RIZIN because of the ruleset. I plan toshow a brutal and violent fight for the fans.”
Alan “Hiro” Yamaniha (60.75kg)
“My opponent is famous, strong and hits hardbut he’s still human. We are both aggressivefighters so this will be a very explosive fight.The fans will get the fight they want to see.”
“ I know I will have to focus on preparing forNYE so I quit my job to focus on thistournament overall. I am dedicated to this fightand putting everything on the table.”
“He may be the quicker fighter but all I needis the right timing and I will be able to land myown strikes.”
“I will win this tournament and change my life.This is my Japanese dream.”
Yogibo presents RIZIN.30 complete fight order
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